Our Courses

The BSCC offers the following courses:

1. Basic Computer Training with emphasis on Basic Microsoft (MS) Word (MS Word 2010)
2. Advanced MS Word 
3. Photo Management.
4. Making movies from your pictures and DVD for a DVD player
4. Internet, Email, Skype, eBay and Facebook
5. iPad, iPhone and Android tablets and phones
6. How to create a Blog or a Website
7. AI - Artificial Intelligence
8. Internet Safety

Each course runs an hour weekly for eight (8) weeks and BSCC provides printed notes to each student. The courses follow the NSW Public School Terms, commencing second week of each Term.
The training is on Wednesday at 9:30am.

Students can also bring their laptops in the class room. 

The BSCC contact details are as follows:

Renato     0434108093    Click here to call from your mobile
Kasey      0410642670    Click here to call from your mobile
Joe              0403430156    Click here to call from your mobile